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What is Automatic External Defibrillator AED Machine Dubai UAE

What is Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Machine?

The automated defibrillator is a life-saving medical device that, because of its small and convenient design, can be used to administer electrical shock (defibrillation) to a patient in the event of a cardiac arrest that occurs suddenly. Automated defibrillators are intended to be used by anyone, including those who have not received formal medical training but have received first aid training. Advanced ECG analysis software is used in automated defibrillators, and the device analyzes the ECG signal while guiding the user through the system's audible and visual instructions. As a result, the user is not required to understand the heart rhythm.

Because of its internal directions and audible guidance when necessary, an automated defibrillator that would be appropriate for use by ACLS certified people under optimal conditions can also be used by people who have never used one before. AEDs are simple-to-use devices that can be operated by the general public or by healthcare professionals with only rudimentary training. These machines analyze the heart's rhythm and either instruct the delivery of shocks when necessary or perform the shocks on their own initiative when necessary. In addition to recommending that a shock be administered, the system can provide guidance on the magnitude of the shock that should be administered.


Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are specially designed devices for first responders that can be used until emergency medical personnel arrive on the scene. Early application of defibrillation, which is a treatment for sudden cardiac arrest, may allow the heart to beat again, thereby maintaining circulation and potentially saving a life.

Having an automated external defibrillator readily available and easily accessible is required in some developed countries. These defibrillators must be placed in areas that are extremely crowded such as stadium, shopping mall, and airports.

The disadvantages of this technology include the fact that it can only be used to treat ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, and not other types of cardiac arrhythmia, as well as the fact that it is only available in certain countries. As an added bonus, the machines can take anywhere between 10 and 20 seconds to diagnose the rhythm, which can be avoided by a trained healthcare provider who uses a manual unit. Moreover, in order to provide the machine with enough time to analyze the cardiac rhythm, it is common for chest compressions to be discontinued.

An automatic external defibrillator (AED) is a small, portable device that monitors the heart's electrical activity. If necessary, it can deliver an electric shock to the heart in an attempt to restore a normal rhythm to the body. AEDs are used to treat people who have suffered a cardiac arrest (SCA). AEDs are small, lightweight, battery-operated, portable devices that are simple to operate and maintain. A set of instructions comes with each unit, and the device will even provide voice prompts to let you know whether or not you should administer a shock to the heart in a particular situation. AED training and completing a CPR course are both highly recommended options. Untrained individuals, on the other hand, can use an AED to assist in the saving of a life if trained personnel are not available.


AEDs are frequently found in public places, such as parks and nature reserves, as well as in public buildings and on the walls of buildings. They can be found in shopping malls and other places where large numbers of people and crowds congregate, such as airports. The most common cause of sudden death in adults is sudden heart failure, which accounts for 80 percent of all cases. When it comes to sudden cardiac death, the age group most affected is constantly shifting to younger age groups. Electric shocks can cause sudden heart failure, which is often fatal. The recovery of people who have suffered from sudden heart failure and who have returned to full health is extremely promising, provided that emergency services are called in a timely and proper manner. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are described as "your life-saving assistant."


Defibrillation is a complex resuscitation system that, when necessary, can deliver a defibrillation shock to the heart to restore normal function.


The efficiency of discharge is at its peak in the first few minutes after the heart's failure has subsided, and it continues to improve with time. It is imperative that a shock is administered as soon as possible after the incident.


The AED assists in the recovery process by providing voice commands in each of the rescue activities and by reviving the rescuer using the correct technique, which massages the heart. 95 percent of those who suffer from SCA die as a result of it, with the majority dying within minutes. Treatment of SCA with an AED can be lifesaving if done quickly. Patients' chances of survival decrease by 7-10 percent for every minute they are away from a defibrillator, and without a defibrillator, the chances of survival are only 5-6 percent with CPR. Use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) on a person who has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest can increase their chances of survival by up to 40%. The abnormal heart rhythm is the leading cause of sudden death in 80 percent of cases, and it is treatable with electric shock (defibrillation).


A portable automatic external defibrillator (AED) is a device that graphically analyzes two heart rhythms with measurable defibrillation (ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation) and asks for the application of discharge as soon as the heart rhythms are detected. It requests that cardiopulmonary resuscitation be provided in the case of other rhythm disorders that are associated with unconsciousness and apnea.

Full-automated external defibrillator (FAED) is a type of defibrillator that defines the rhythm and applies shocks automatically, and is completely independent of the user when it is necessary.

Defibrillators that are semi-automated define the rhythm and guide the user through an audible or visual system, but leave final defibrillation application to the user's hands through the use of a shock button are known as semi-automated external defibrillators.

Question: What exactly is an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Machine?

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When and where should automatic external defibrillators be used?

Schools, shopping malls, airports, and planes are all examples of places where people can get sick. Beaches, swimming pools, and restaurants are all available, as are trains, buses, and subway stations, as well as police and fire engines, residential complexes, and rescue services. Hotels are available, as are government buildings, stadiums, golf courses, and worship facilities.

Who should be treated with automatic external defibrillators?

AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) are designed to be used by anyone with basic first aid knowledge, and they do not require any additional medical training. In an ideal world, everyone would be trained in the use of an AED (automatic defibrillator) and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) (cardiac pulmonary resuscitation).

The automatic defibrillator guides and assists the user through the use of audible and visual cues. In most parts of the world, the average ambulance arrival time is between 10 and 12 minutes, and every minute that passes during this time can be critical. An individual who has experienced sudden cardiac arrest has an extremely low survival rate without the use of an AED and CPR.

An electrical shock delivered to the heart with the goal of terminating a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia is referred to as defibrillation. Defibrillators, also known as automated external defibrillators (AEDs), are devices that are capable of automatically detecting an abnormal heart rhythm that necessitates a shock. This device will charge itself and prompt the user to shock the victim when it is ready. AEDs perform multiple analyses of the victim's heart rhythm to ensure that it is a shockable rhythm before administering a shock. All automated external defibrillators (AEDs) operate in a similar manner.


If you require further information on what is an automatic external defibrillator in Dubai, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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